Thanks to the hospitality of the Blues Alive festival in Šumperk (holder of the Keeping the Blues Alive award), the autumn celebrations of Dylan’s jubilee will continue as part of this year’s festival, which takes place from 11th to 13th November 2021.
Season tickets for the festival are currently on sale here and are disappearing very fast !!!
Please also note that the annually sold out festival usually completely depletes the accommodation capacities in the city and its surroundings.
However, tickets for specific Dylan Days shows within Blues Alive will be on sale separately at the end of the summer. Tickets for these events will be available without the need for a season ticket.
Because Blues Alive has possibilities completely beyond the current possibilities of Dylan Days, the program – however based on the established practice of debate plus concert – will be enriched with a dylanological colloquium and especially with important guests. For more information, please follow the news carefully here, or directly the website