Gates of Eden

26. 05. 2021

The headline is exaggerated, of course, but after a long break, this Saturday’s event seemed quite successful. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way and special thanks to Dominic Sauer – there are a lot of good sound engineers, but many of them would run out of patience in such improvised conditions.

As announced, the sequel should take place in November as part of Blues Alive in Šumperk. When we know more, it will appear here on Facebook and preferably those who are in the mailing list will be informed (if you would like to join, let us know, please).

If you didn’t have time to visit the exhibition at the PopMuseum, it’s really worth it. It will be open until June 26, and the postponed opening will be tomorrow from half past six.

Last but not least, we would like to mention the May monothematic Dylan issue of UNI and the interview with Vladimír Merta in Lidový noviny. Vltava and other media also dedicated a number of programs to Bob Dylan’s jubilee.


Several photos from Saturday can be seen on the PopMuseum website, and other photos of various photographers can be found on Facebook.