Our shining example was followed with flexibility by the government itself and also let in a timid morning ray into the dark Czech pandemic night. So from Monday it will be possible to visit the restaurant front gardens and all-cultural events under the following conditions:
– indoor event for sitting max. 40 people (standing is not possible)
– outdoor events (again only) for seating max. 80-90 people
– visitor records (email address)
– mandatory respirator
The visitor must meet one of the following 4 conditions:
– 14 days after the end of vaccination
– less than 90 days before the COVID 19 disease
– negative antigen test not older than 72 hours
– negative PCR test not older than 7 days
20. Dylan Days / Zimmerman Frei can therefore flutter their broken wings and try a test takeoff. Weather permitting, next Saturday will be 22.5. from three o’clock in the afternoon to celebrate and play in the garden at KC Kastan, as planned last year, before the rain drove us under the roof, ie without a stage, with limited PA and voluntary admission to the hat, so that not even the sound engineer would stay dry. We will try to save some of the original bold plans in the autumn.